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Alltid på Hemgården – engelska

Something is always happening at Hemgården!

Hemgården café

Our café offers a place for a Swedish fika, a place to study or a meeting spot in the heart of Borås close to the bus stop and other forms of transportation. We have seating outside so you can enjoy our baked goods when the sun is shining.

Handmade Café

Wednesdays 16.00-19.00
Bring your own knitting, crochet or other crafts. We work, talk and have a fika together!


We sell different kinds of handicrafts made from different materials and in differents styles.


We work together to solve problems or help you with your computer, phone or other types of technology.


We have a cupboard filled with toys for our younger visitors where they can play during their visit at Hemgården.


One a week we host a Språkcafé where we practice Swedish together without pressure to learn grammar or getting it right the first time over a Swedish fika.

Page updated 2024/02/15

Visningar: 157

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